Ready to grow your staffing firm with a new perspective on the MSP channel and a roadmap to scale?

MSP Strategy and Fractional Executive Services

Hard to work with ‘em, impossible to scale without ‘em

You might think MSPs are the enemy…

It’s very difficult to work with large, enterprise clients without partnering with an MSP. And when you do, you struggle with the thin margins and fierce competition. 

It's like trying to navigate a maze blindfolded while juggling flaming torches. (Welcome to my weekend.)

Does this sound like you? 

You struggle with limited control over the recruitment and placement process with MSP programs - impacting your ability to meet client needs. 

Your team is overwhelmed and doesn't have the right processes to handle the stringent compliance demands. 

You're wasting resources on something that just isn't working, like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole.

You feel like you're being set up to fail in difficult programs, and you don't know which programs are worth your time. 

You worry about the financials. You face margin compression, impacting your profitability, and you don’t know how to negotiate contracts with MSP programs.

Maybe you've even tried going around them, but that proved to be a disaster. (We've all been there, am I right?)

The truth is, MSPs aren't going away.

But what if...

You had a clear roadmap on where to dedicate resources, how to train your team, and which programs to exit to optimize operations

You had the tools and strategies to differentiate yourself from other suppliers and significantly grow your revenue

You could become sought-after by MSPs, gaining access to large enterprise clients to quickly scale

You had an expert on your side who understands the nuances, challenges, and best practices of the industry, with connections to support you

You had strong relationships with the right MSPs to ensure long-term success

Strategic insights, innovative solutions, and dedicated partnership to drive growth in MSP programs and every aspect of your business.

With expert advising and fractional leadership services, you'll have everything you need to go from operational nightmares to smooth sailing and become the firm of choice for top programs.

Custom MSP Strategy and Fractional Executive Services

Introducing Growth Curve’s

Katie E. Breault
SVP, Growth & Impact of YUPRO Placement

“Kelly has been instrumental in driving our MSP partnership strategy forward, bringing a level of transparency that has significantly enhanced our performance and partnerships. Her contributions have not only aligned our internal teams but also provided clarity and consistency in our communications with partners, leading to immediate and measurable improvements.”

significantly enhanced our performance and partnerships. 

Two Ways to Work Together

There isn’t just one workout program for everyone, so there shouldn’t be just one way of thriving in MSP programs. When you work with me, you're not getting a one-size-fits-all solution. Nope, we're diving deep into your unique needs and crafting a program that's as individual as you are. 

Here are the possibilities: 

As an advisor, I'll work with you to assess where you're at and define your goals. I'll share best practices, tools, and training to create a custom roadmap to help you reach them. We'll figure out how to improve processes, delivery, and profitability (and exit MSP programs that aren't serving you).

Assessment & Strategy

Possibility #1 

“A plan without implementation is just a wish.” Sometimes you need more than just the strategy, you need help executing. Serving as a fractional executive, I'll get in the trenches with you to achieve your goals. I'll become an extension of your team, implementing MSP channel strategy, monitoring progress, and collaborating with your leadership team and the end client.

Fractional Partnership

Possibility #2

Plus, here's a rough outline you could expect:

I'm not the type to leave you high and dry once we've got a plan in place. Oh no, I'll be right there with you, rolling up my sleeves and getting my hands dirty. Most of my customers average 4-12 hours per week of my undivided attention and support.

Implementation Support Ongoing

Communication is key, and I'm all about keeping those lines open. I'll be having regular meetings with your program and leadership team, making sure everyone's on the same page and feeling the love.

Regular 1:1 Meeting Cadence

Want some hands-on attention during important calls and meetings? I frequently attend MSP Program or customer meetings as a subject matter expert to help facilitate the conversation to get quicker results.

We'll kick things off with a little "getting to know you" session. I'll put on my detective hat and uncover the mysteries of your current situation, assess your needs, and come up with a game plan.

Initial Discovery, Assessment, and Recommendations

Once we've got a solid foundation, it's time to get creative! I'll develop some custom tools and ideas that are tailored to your specific goals. Think of it as your very own MSP success toolkit, complete with a bedazzled toolbelt (okay, maybe not bedazzled, but you get the idea).

Development of Tools and Ideas to ImplemenT

Expert Guidance During Key Meetings

Consider me your personal cheerleader, guru, and confidante all rolled into one. I'll be here to offer ongoing coaching, training, and mentoring whenever you need it. Whether it's a quick connect before a big meeting or a strategic brainstorming session, I've got your back.

Ongoing Coaching, Training, and Mentoring

So there you have it - With my support, you'll be navigating the MSP landscape like a pro in no time!

Leslie Vickrey
CEO & Founder @ClearEdge

“We wouldn't be where we are today without Kelly, including myself as a leader. I couldn't recommend her more for a business looking to scale and grow. ” 

I couldn't recommend her more for a business looking to scale and grow. 

The Growth Curve Methodology

A Customized Approach to MSP Success (No Cookie Cutters Allowed!)

Every staffing firm is unique, and one-size-fits-all solutions just won't cut it. That's why I've developed a tried-and-true methodology that's as flexible as it is effective. We'll work together to create bespoke strategies that fit your business like a glove (a really stylish, revenue-boosting glove).

Define the Why


Define your current state, desired state, and reasons for change. We’ll dive deep into the question: ‘why is MSP business worth investing in now?’

Define the Why


Define your current state, desired state, and reasons for change. We’ll dive deep into the question: ‘why is MSP business worth investing in now?’

Define the Why


Define your current state, desired state, and reasons for change. We’ll dive deep into the question: ‘why is MSP business worth investing in now?’

Assess the Now


Assess your current business mix and organizational structure, including sales, account management, delivery, operations, and financials.

 Implement (with help from me!)


Implement solutions, train, hire, and provide tools for success.

Measure and Monitor


Analyze performance using key metrics to track progress.

Rinse and Repeat


Reassess and optimize our strategy based on results.

 Customize and Optimize


Create a custom roadmap to address gaps and optimize strategies.

frequently asked questions


Some of the main challenges include proper change management and communication, lack of buy-in from the top, no clarity on goals and measures, and treating MSPs like your retail business. Many firms also don’t understand what ‘good’ or ‘bad’ programs look like and think of MSPs as the enemy. In terms of execution, many teams also fall short in the processes, training, and team structure needed to succeed in these programs. In this world, things can get messy fast!


To be successful with MSPs, you’ll need to invest additional time, money, and resources and have a fully committed leadership team. A traditional approach to small or mid-sized accounts won’t work here. I’ll help you get full buy-in, prioritize resources, and shift your strategy for this channel.

First, we'll assess your current operations, finances, and delivery. Then we'll align on your goals, expectations, and measures of success. Finally, we'll create a custom plan of action to help you achieve those goals. If you decide to work with me in a fractional capacity, I'll also implement this plan for you and act as an extension of your team. 


Some MSP providers are less supplier-friendly and more difficult to succeed with. And some may just not be the right fit for your firm. Similarly, there are some MSP Programs that just won't work for your unique organization. The key is objectively defining those things. Imagine trying to force a puzzle piece into the wrong spot - you can push and shove all you want, but it's just not going to work out in the end.


I use a standardized scorecard system to look at quantitative and qualitative KPIs and grade them to see which programs are the right fit for your business. Kinda like a compatibility test for your MSP relationships.


Yes! I engage directly with the end client alongside my customers to provide training and mentoring, further the relationship, and/or drive revenue. I'm not just here to offer sage advice from the sidelines.


That completely depends on your firm's needs. Assessment and advising services typically run around 3 months, whereas implementation and fractional executive services are often 6-12 months. 

Michelle D. Sims
CEO l YUPRO Placement

“We hired Kelly as a fractional senior-leader driving our MSP strategy and our VMS best practices, though with her expertise, she has supported our team in so much more from leadership coaching to marketing and beyond. Kelly's remarkable ability to identify opportunities and suggest impactful strategies and solutions has been integral to our overall growth strategy this year."

Integral to our overall growth strategy this year.

Make MSP channel strategy less painful (and more profitable) for your team.

Become the staffing firm of choice for MSP programs with a unique messaging strategy. 

Have streamlined operations with a fully aligned team and simplified processes for the MSP channel.

Have peace of mind knowing there is a holistic solution in place to grow revenue faster and more efficiently. 

It’s time to take full advantage of MSPs.

Still reading? What are you waiting for!